Nz Employment Agreement Breaks

When it comes to employment agreements in New Zealand, taking breaks is an important aspect that cannot be overlooked. Employees have the right to take breaks, and employers have a responsibility to ensure they provide these.

Under New Zealand employment law, there are specific requirements for breaks that employers must adhere to. Let`s take a closer look at what these requirements are and how they impact both employers and employees.

What are the Break Requirements?

The Breaks in Employment Amendment Act 2018 outlines the minimum break entitlements that employees are entitled to under New Zealand law. These include:

1. Rest Breaks

Employees are entitled to have at least one rest break during their work period of four hours or more. The rest break must be at least ten minutes long and must be taken at a reasonable time as determined by the employer.

2. Meal Breaks

Employees are entitled to have at least one meal break during their work period of more than five hours. The meal break must be at least 30 minutes long and must be taken at a reasonable time as determined by the employer.

3. Compensatory Measures

If an employee is unable to take a break due to the nature of their work, the employer must compensate the employee appropriately. This could include allowing the employee to take a break at another time or providing compensation in the form of additional pay.

What Happens When the Break Entitlements are not Met?

If the employer fails to provide the required breaks, the employee can file a complaint with the Employment Relations Authority. If the Authority agrees that the employer has not met their obligations, they can order compensation to be paid to the employee.

It is important for employers to understand that break entitlements are not optional. It is a legal requirement, and failure to meet these obligations can result in serious consequences.


Break entitlements are an essential aspect of employment agreements in New Zealand. Employers must ensure they provide adequate rest and meal breaks to their employees, and employees have the right to take these breaks during their workday.

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